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The World's ONLY Dedicated Yoga Event Supporting Young People's Mental Health Is Back!

For parents, healthcare professionals, yoga teachers, school teachers, and anyone working with young people.

What you can look forward to: Opening Ceremony with Charlotta Martinus Master of Yoga and founder of TeenYoga, Swamini Brahmaprajnananda on philosophy, Angela Hope-Murray on Ayurveda, Lisa Kaley-Isley on mantra and philosophy;  Catherine Cook-Cottone on embodied self-regulation, Lisa Harwood on inclusive yoga, expert talks on school policy and the state of mental health in schools, marketing, talking circles and youth work; yoga classes, community forum, the ever-popular Teen Panel and new Future of Wellbeing Panel led by junior doctors, and Closing Remarks & Meditation.  All sessions are live on Zoom and available later on YouTube.


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Teen Yoga Foundation, Red hill House, Red Hill, Camerton BA2 0NY

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